6 Top Podcasts on Fair Housing
At a time when it’s easy to feel isolated and lonely, podcasts offer a sense of comfort, almost as if we’re listening to a good friend. There are endless topics that experts can chat in our ear about, and that includes topics surrounding homeownership and fair housing.
The lack of affordable and fair housing in America has accelerated since the pandemic hit. As an analysis by the NYU Furman Center found, those who are most likely to experience an “economic disruption” (i.e. losing a job or experiencing limited work hours) spent the majority of their income on housing. Even prior to the pandemic, half of renters in the U.S. spent 30 percent of their income on housing and the most impoverished Americans spent over half their income on rent, on average.
Whether you’re a homeowner, potential homeowner, or simply interested in learning more about fair housing and how you can help, these 6 podcasts are an excellent place to start. Pop on an episode while tidying the kitchen, brushing your teeth, or taking a long bike ride!
1. The Fair Housing Podcast Questions and Answers
This fairly new podcast from Offit Kurman Attorneys At Law focuses on the slew of convoluted questions and issues that circle the problems akin to fair housing. As they say, “For residents, housing free from unlawful discrimination is a right; for landlords, it’s the law.”
Join hosts John Raftery and Revée Walters as they discuss the matter and answer a variety of questions in order to ensure both landlords and property managers are well aware of the fundamentals of fair housing. The perspective from attorneys is a great resource for landlords and managers who want to support fair housing and help their tenants live comfortably and safely.
To no surprise, each episode of The Fair Housing Podcast centers around fair housing, but here are two recommended episodes to get started with:
Episode 12: Fair Housing Liability
This episode highlights accountability issues surrounding fair housing, specifically if you could be sued or not if you violate fair housing as a landlord or property manager.
Episode 10: Familial Status
This episode focuses on how to not discriminate against families with children.
2. Shop Talk: The Real Estate Show
Shop Talk, brought to us by The CE Shop, has the goal of bettering real estate agents. They interview industry experts, ask the tough questions, and chat about unique real estate related subjects. “Real estate’s a dynamic industry, and we know you have interesting stories to tell about it,” they announce.
While Shop Talk has some excellent episodes focusing on anything from 17-year-old real estate agents to haunted houses, this recent episode on fair housing is a great resource for real estate agents specifically:
Episode 48: Fair Housing
Real estate and equal opportunity for housing are forever intertwined, especially since the Fair Housing Act was enacted in 1968. This episode breaks down the most frequent fair housing violations, how and why those laws are so important, and how real estate agents can provide the best experience to everyone looking for a home.
3. Selling St Pete with Nicole Saunches
Nicole Saunches’ podcast, Selling St Pete, is a one-stop-shop for anything real estate related in and around St. Petersburg, Florida. Nicole offers useful information for both current and potential homeowners, whether you’re on the buying or selling end of the process. Saunches works for Coastal Properties Group International, which has been one of Tampa Bay’s most successful real estate companies since they opened their doors in 2012. In 2019, they sold 145 homes that were over $1 million, so it’s safe to say Nicole’s advice when it comes to real estate is trustworthy.
Nicole covers topics ranging from new construction to hurricane preparation. But in one of her most recent episodes, fair housing is the star of the show:
Episode 32: Know Your Rights…A discussion about Fair Housing for all
In this episode, Nicole Saunches is joined by two members of the Pinellas County Office of Human Rights – Jeffrey Lorick and Paul Valenti. They chat about fair housing from A-Z while reflecting on a recent training with the Pinellas Realtor Organization. The training, which Nicole claims was “one of, if not the best, training I have experienced in my real estate career,” specifically aimed attention on how constant bias can have a huge impact on Fair Housing laws.
4. TenantCloud: Property Management Podcast
TenantCloud is an all-in-one software that assists landlords with all things property management, so they’re clearly pros when it comes to the rental industry. Their podcast covers real estate, investment, DIY tips, news/laws, and likely anything else rental industry connected that comes to mind!
With extremely useful information for landlords, such as insight into rental fraud and how the pandemic has shaped the real estate industry, it’s no wonder this podcast has nearly 5 stars. Each episode offers highly relevant advice for those who manage properties, but this episode from March 2020 clues landlords into specifics of the Fair Housing Act:
Season 2, Episode 9: What Landlords Are Excluded from the Federal Fair Housing Act?
Surprisingly enough, depending on the local, county and state laws, some landlords aren’t required to abide by the Federal Fair Housing Act. In this episode, TenantCloud discusses those specific scenarios and how crucial it is to follow Fair Housing laws, even if you may be absolved.
5. Selling Richmond: The Civic REALTOR®
This bimonthly podcast brought to us by the Richmond Association of REALTORS® follows different leaders in the Richmond area and the big decisions they make that directly affectrealtors and their clients. Host Joh Gehlbach, the Government Affairs Coordinator of Richmond Association of REALTORS®, chats with different directors and leaders of sorts in each episode to explore their recent accords in regard to the real estate industry.
All 14 episodes present valuable insight into how so many considerable choices made by people in power have an impact on those around them and their community. This most recent episode is particularly pertinent as it references a recent law:
Episode 14: Source of Income in the Virginia Fair Housing Act
In this episode, Gehlbach talks with the Director of Fair Housing at Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia (HOME), Alex Guzmán. The two chat about source of income, as it is now a protected class in the Virginia Fair Housing Act as of July 1, 2020. Guzmán shares the relevance of this new law and how it broadens housing opportunities in Virginia.
6. The Holistic Housing Podcast
This podcast is created by NACCED, the National Association for County Community and Economic Development. It focuses on the politics of housing which, of course, highlights affordable and fair housing consistently. Each episode features policymakers and program implementers who are involved in community and economic development, as well as affordable housing. The different high-profile guests on the podcast discuss their experience, goals, and solutions on topics ranging from workforce development to homelessness.
The hosts, Sarah and Laura, hope to show their audience how housing affects not only one’s quality of life, but the ability to lead a fruitful life. While this podcast is highly educational, it is also a hoot and the hosts offer some humor to help balance the seriousness of each topic.
Much like most of the podcasts on this list, each episode is relevant to fair housing, but this episode from March 12 of this year highlights NLHP, the National Housing Law Project:
In this episode, Noelle Porter, NLHP Director of Government Affairs, chats with Sarah and Laura about tenants’ rights. NLHP’s group of legal aid attorneys work every day to fight discrimination and support low-income renters that are facing eviction, which is especially significant now as so many tenants are struggling to pay their bills amidst the pandemic.
Whether you’re a homeowner, dreaming of becoming a homeowner or property owner, a renter, a landlord, or just looking for ways to help create fair housing opportunities in your area, these podcasts will educate you while entertaining you. If books aren’t your thing and you’re sick of sitting in front of a screen for hours on end, podcasts offer conversational intellect that will keep you in the know when it comes to fair housing in America.
These shows and episodes in particular do an exemplary job of breaking down some hard to digest information, allowing you to easily understand critical knowledge and materials that are necessary to understand whether you’re involved in the real estate industry, or simply curious about these trending topics.
Just as you dream of the perfect, comfortable home, others do as well across all walks of life and socioeconomic statuses (SES). Let’s do whatever we can to ensure all citizens receive fair housing and live a comfortable life.