Take Action
The Alliance unites industry experts with current and future property owners to create a powerful voice for policymakers to hear. There are many ways to make your voice heard and influence policy decisions impacting property ownership. Use our action center to send a letter to your representative or share a message on social media in support of policies that can improve property owner protections and remove barriers to homeownership.
Tell Congress to Cosponsor the Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act
America needs more affordable housing. Widely-supported bipartisan legislation is on the table that will help address our nation’s affordable housing crisis. The Affordable Housing Credit Improvement Act expands the existing Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to encourage investment in the development and preservation of affordable housing. Send a message to policymakers to urge them to support its inclusion in the upcoming tax package.
Share Your Story
The rapid rise in cost of living remains a top concern for voters this year, as housing comprises 33% of Americans’ household income. Federal policies play a key role in addressing America’s housing supply and affordability crisis, and your voice can make a difference. If you are struggling to keep up with rising rental costs or find an affordable home that meets your needs, please tell us how today’s challenging market has impacted your financial situation or path to homeownership.
Help End Home Equity Theft
In 12 states and Washington, DC, home equity theft allows the government to take more than what’s owed in property taxes in the instance of a foreclosure. Join us in urging state legislators to act now and end this unjust practice.
Tell Congress to Pass the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act
The Neighborhood Homes Investment Act is bipartisan legislation that would renovate and rehabilitate 500,000 homes in communities across the country, improving access to affordable homes. Send a message to policymakers to urge them to co-sponsor this critical pro-housing policy.
Tell Congress to Pass the Revitalizing Downtowns Act
About 72.9 million square feet of office space sits vacant throughout the U.S. The Revitalizing Downtowns Act is a solution on the table that would convert these unused commercial and office buildings into residential and mixed-use spaces, maximizing the use of existing properties and increasing housing supply. Join us in urging Congress to prioritize this solution that will improve access to homeownership and strengthen urban areas throughout the country.
Expand Financial Education for First-Time Buyers
Purchasing a home is a significant investment, and it’s never too early to set prospective buyers up for financial success. We’re urging leaders to expand financial education resources so all who want to can purchase a home in a neighborhood where they feel safe and welcomed.
Restore Property Owner Tax Incentives
Property ownership is an investment that has far-reaching benefits for your community and the country. Tax breaks were created to incentivize property ownership because it is the foundation of strong communities. However, over time, property owner tax incentives have been chipped away. Together, let’s hold elected officials accountable to make property owner tax benefits accessible to more owners.