NAR Supports Administration’s Action on Infrastructure

Read the original article by National Association of Realtors.

Executive Order promotes needed investment during economic recovery

WASHINGTON (June 5, 2020) – President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday to accelerate infrastructure investments in an effort to strengthen the economy and get people back to work.

The order encourages federal agencies to use existing authority to expedite authorized and appropriated infrastructure projects across the country. Just as important, it also states that agencies should provide appropriate protection for public health and safety, natural resources and the environment. 

“Clearing away unnecessary regulatory hurdles that can add years to infrastructure projects through tailored reform is a smart move,” said NAR President Vince Malta, broker at Malta & Co., Inc., in San Francisco, CA.  “Finding innovative ways to safely enhance the permitting process can bring infrastructure projects, economic development and jobs to fruition more quickly…”

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