Home Equity Theft: Help End This Unethical Practice

Home Equity Theft: Help End This Unethical Practice

In the 14 states and Washington D.C. where home equity theft is legal or permitted in limited situations, the government can take more than what it is owed in property taxes in the instance of a foreclosure. In fact, from 2014 to 2021, 8,600 homes and more than $780 million in savings were lost to home equity theft. The American Property Owners Alliance opposes this unjust practice and is urging state legislators to act now to end home equity theft—we need your help.

What is Home Equity Theft?

When an individual falls behind on their property taxes, no matter how small the debt, home equity theft allows state and local governments to seize the property and keep the full sale amount, beyond what they are owed in taxes, interest and penalties. This practice particularly hurts elderly homeowners, many of whom live on a fixed income, stripping them of their home and the wealth they have built over a lifetime.

Join the Effort

Share Your Story

Share how you or a loved one has been impacted by home equity theft

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Take the Pledge

Pledge your support to end home equity theft in the 14 states and D.C. where it remains on the books

Take the Pledge

How Can We End This Practice?

The only way to end home equity theft is by changing the laws that allow this practice in the 14 states and D.C. where it is legal or permitted in limited situations. A 2023 Supreme Court ruling in Tyler v. Hennepin County, a home equity theft case, can help homeowners challenge their state’s home equity theft laws but will not prevent home equity theft altogether.

Some states have already introduced legislation to end home equity theft, others must prioritize crafting this legislation. It is critical to keep pressure on policymakers to prioritize the introduction and passage of legislation to end all forms of home equity theft.

Join The Effort to End Home Equity Theft

It is time to end home equity theft in all circumstances. The Alliance is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization that works to improve property owner protections and this is one of our top priorities. Sign up to get involved in our efforts.

Take the Pledge

Share Your Story

For decades, home equity theft has preyed on the most vulnerable, leaving households throughout the country with nothing. If you or a loved one has been impacted by this tax foreclosure policy, share your experience with us.

We are looking for stories to highlight the negative impact of home equity theft and to urge legislators to take action now to put an end to this unethical practice.

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Learn About Your State’s Stance

See how property tax foreclosure laws allow the government to take homeowners’ equity, beyond what they owe, in the 15 jurisdictions where home equity theft is legal or permitted in limited situations. Click here to learn more from our partners at Pacific Legal Foundation.