Executive Director Newsletter Q3 2023

The American Property Owners Alliance is focused on advancing solutions to improve protections for homeowners and address housing affordability issues across the nation. Read more below about the actions we’ve taken recently to combat Home Equity Theft, provide the Federal Housing Finance Agency with input as they consider new multifamily protections and to explore potential opportunities for new tenant protections backed by the federal government, and recognize the ongoing value of homeownership in June.

Calling for an End to Home Equity Theft

The Alliance remains committed to ending the practice of home equity theft everywhere it remains legal. In several states, local governments are authorized to take beyond what is owed in property taxes when a homeowner falls behind and underpays, robbing homeowners of the wealth they’ve built over a lifetime.

The Alliance is working to end this unethical practice in 10 states and Washington D.C. where it is remains on the books. A recent survey conducted by The Alliance concluded that a majority of respondents oppose the practice. I recently partnered with Pacific Legal Foundation to share our opinion with the Boston Herald about how this practice impacts homeowners in Massachusetts and nationwide.

State legislators should begin crafting legislation now to close all loopholes allowing a practice that undermines the value of homeownership and the financial benefits that come with it. Read our opinion piece in the Boston Herald.

Federal Housing Finance Agency Multi-Family Tenant Protections Comment Portal

Housing providers play a key role in creating opportunities for upward mobility for tenants by helping them access safe, affordable homes. In May, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) published a Request for Input (RFI) to investigate issues tenants residing in multi-family properties face and to explore new tenant protections backed by the federal government.

Earlier this year, the White House directed the FHFA in its “Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights” to “identify the opportunities and challenges of adopting and enforcing tenant protections including policies that limit egregious rent increases at properties with enterprise-backed mortgages.”

Through the end of this month, the FHFA is collecting input from tenants and multifamily housing providers, as well as other stakeholders, to identify these challenges and inform policies related to rent increases, source of income, communication timeframes, causes for eviction and more. Providing perspective from housing providers is critical at this moment, please visit our page to share your input before the July 31 deadline.

#UnlockingHomeownership Wins During National Homeownership Month

During the 21st National Homeownership Month, we celebrated the ongoing value of homeownership and took action on key issues that will unlock more value for current owners and broader access to homeownership. Some key wins included:

🏠 Sending over 950 messages to Members of Congress in support of the Neighborhood Homes Investment Act and Revitalizing Downtowns Act

🏠 Adding over 5,000 new advocates to The Alliance

🏠 Gathering over 150 signatures pledging support to end home equity theft


And, while Homeownership Month has wrapped, we remain laser-focused on supporting pro-housing policies. Visit our Action Hub to learn about key issues and add your voice.


For more updates, news, and resources, follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Thank you,

Colin Allen, Executive Director


About the American Property Owners Alliance
The American Property Owners Alliance is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization created to protect and support property owners. The Alliance educates property owners on federal issues, laws and policies; to advocate for owners’ rights and interests; and to mobilize when necessary to secure those rights and interests. The Alliance is primarily funded by NAR but operates independently from the association with its own board of directors and separate bylaws.


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